april 28 2024
I go to the studio and I write hymns about my love. The songs echo and fill the air. I sing them on my way home. I’m as naive as I am cynical but I’m trying to be more of the former these days. I’m trying to spend equal amounts of time alone as I do with other people. Selena texts me and asks if I want to come to dinner with Lizzie. When I need to make a decision, I flip a coin. If I don’t like the answer, I flip it again. If I really don’t like the answer, that means it’s a no. I say yes.
Lizzie is very pregnant and luminous. She glows like a star. She cooks us dinner and we gather around and do lots of girl talking. I’m re-reading some of my favourite books and I think it was Rumi who said we should all strive to “eat love-food.” I could go on but I’ve been here before, in a dream somewhere, sometime ago.