august 21 2024

How To Alchemize Pain:

Step 1: Accept the fact that your heart is broken. Accept that there are things that have happened that cannot be undone and that you cannot currently see a way to forgive. Accept the betrayal, the violation, the act of treason. Allow it to exist. Do not fight the feeling. Take it as part of yourself. Become one with the pain.

Step 2: Look into the abyss. See your face smiling back. Let the shockwaves roll through you. Do not succumb to shame. This is important. You are not a victim. Humble yourself. Look into the mirror. Say nothing. Gaze openly.

Step 3: Close your eyes. Now repeat after me: “Please forgive me.” The tears will flow and your hands will shake but you only need to say it once. In a small room, out loud, alone. Say it once. Instantaneous relief. A deluge of grace. A torrent of mercy. Give fully. Receive it all.

Step 4: Roll the rest of the pain into a ball. Make it neat. Box it up. Tie it with silk. A kiss. An embrace. A little bit of spit. Use both hands. Give it to God. Walk away.

Step 5: Write a song or a poem or a letter. Take a lap around the block. Be free.


august 28 2024


august 18 2024