january 13 2024

I think about when I was 14 and hooking up with my neighbour. We lived in a suburb in Montreal, in the west end. It was a Hasidic neighbourhood, filled with families of 6, 7, 8, 9 who roamed the streets on Saturdays. My neighbour was Jewish but his family wasn’t practicing. He was 19 with bright blonde hair and sharp blue eyes and he had a curl to his lip when he smiled. He wasn’t really my type (I was obsessed with the Italian boys at the all-boys school) but I liked the fact that he was older and drove a red Maserati. He’d pick me up in his car and pester me to touch his thing in broad daylight. I didn’t have a full understanding of the words “exhibitionist” or the phrase “I’m a minor you creep lmao” but I’d acquiesce. I was into the thrill of the whole thing and I didn’t mind because he would always cum really, really fast. We hooked up a few times over the years, before he moved out and got an apartment in the city. I never felt bad when he wouldn’t text me or that we didn’t see each other except to finger fuck and dry hump. I knew, even at that age, that he wasn’t exactly a winner. I just liked bragging to the girls at school that I was getting attention from a boy. It was proof that I had a life of my own, that even though I was always grounded and I was never allowed to do anything and I had to go to church two times a week and my parents were actively planning my exorcism - I found my own ways to insist on being free.


january 15 2024


january 10 2024